LeadershipStars Program


LeadershipStars Program


12 Monate intensivste und persönliche Betreuung für Führungskräfte

Mehr Ergebnisse bei weniger Ärger. Bessere Mitarbeiter, bessere Teams. Dadurch mehr Zeit für Dich. Mehr Einfluss im Unternehmen, dauerhaft.

Mit wöchentlichen Mentorings meisterst Du mit Leadershiptrainer Olaf Kapinski eine der best-bezahltesten Fähigkeiten der Welt: Teams auf ein Ziel ausrichten und dieses zuverlässig erreichen.

Erfolgreiche Teilnehmer von:


5 Irrglauben, die Dich davon abhalten,
eine noch bessere Führungskraft zu werden.

1. „Ich stecke zu tief im Tagesgeschäft!“

Der Klassiker. Bei Licht betrachtet, geht es selten um zu viel Arbeit aber immer um zu wenig Priorisierung. Und Rückgrat, diese dann auch durchzuhalten.

2. „Ich bekomme keine Ziele!“

Führen bedeutet erschaffen. Erschaffe Dir Deine Ziele, wenn Du keine von oben bekommst! Nur lass Deine Organisation keinesfalls alleine.

3. „Ich kann hier nirgends gute Führung beobachten und abschauen.“

Leider immer noch der Standardzustand: Zu wenig Vorgesetzte taugen als Role-Models. Eine Gruppe von Menschen um sich herum zu haben, mit der Du Deine Führungsideen diskutieren kannst, ist Gold wert.

4. „Im Unternehmen hört mir keiner zu.“

Eine oft genannte Klage, gerade von den Kollegen in der IT. Du hast Ideen und würdest Dich einbringen wollen, und doch… Nur zu oft liegt es an der Art der Ideen-Präsentation.

5. „Wir haben zu viel zu tun!“

Ehrlich? Das habe ich ja noch nie gehört! Entschuldige die Ironie: JEDE Abteilung ist ausgelastet. Besonders IT-Abteilungen finden immer genug, sich zu beschäftigen. Das bedeutet im Wesentlichen, dass Du Deine Leute nicht ausreichend steuerst…

werde ein


Bevor Du mehr über das LeadershipStars Program erfährst, habe ich noch ein paar Fragen an Dich:

Trifft einer oder mehrere Punkte auf Dich zu?

Dann habe ich großartige Neuigkeiten.

Ich helfe Dir, diese Probleme zu lösen!

LeadershipStars Annual Program

Das Ergebnis einer mittlerweile fünfjährigen Entwicklung mit über 160 erfolgreichen Absolventen.

LeadershipStars – Das Ergebnis einer mittlerweile fünfjährigen Entwicklung mit über 160 erfolgreichen Absolventen.

Im Oktober 2017 vermittelte ich die wirksamsten Methoden der besten Führungskräfte im damaligen IT-YoungStars-Program zum ersten Mal.

In kürzester Zeit waren die Plätze vergeben.

Jeder einzelne brannte darauf, die Wirksamkeitsmethoden und Erfolgsstrategien auf seine eigene Organisation und seine eigenen Ziele anzuwenden.

Durch permanentes Feedback wird das Programm permanent verfeinert. Basierend auf was in der Praxis WIRKLICH funktioniert und Du direkt umsetzen kannst.

Resultate der bisherigen Absolventen

"Bin mithilfe des LeadershipStars zum Prokuristen geworden"

Jörg Dießner

Manager IT & Telekommunikation

Eine steile Karriere!

Nicole Jansch

Head of Software Solutions
item Industrietechnik GmbH

"Ich merk's jetzt... Die Sachen funktionieren!"

Julian Lenhardt

Preschool Director
Colegio Alemán Nikolaus Kopernikus Panamá

"Deine Tools machen es einfach,
es ist sehr benutzerfreundlich"

Claus ist als Sales Manager ein wenig der Exot in der IT-Runde, dennoch war das Programm sehr, sehr erfolgreich für ihn. “Führung” geht um Menschen und daher ist viel aus dem Programm überdisziplinär.

"Es hat mir geholfen,
den Dingen einen Namen zu geben"

Alex nutzt das Programm sehr aktiv! Wir sprechen regelmäßig individuell, er nutzt die Community zum fachübergreifenden Austausch und zu Informationsbeschaffung.

Kein Wunder, dass er während des Jahres in den Vorstand berufen wurde.

"Die tägliche Arbeit ist ganz entspannt geworden"

Sven-Marten hat umgesetzt. Heftig. Seine Ergebnisse lassen sich sehen, die aktuellen Reorganisation sieht er komplett als Chance für mehr.

"Das Stars-Program hält am Thema"

Wir alle sind beschäftigt. Den Regeltermin des Mentorings zu haben schafft Zeit und hält den Fokus auf das Thema Führung, welches sonst nur zu schnell unter geht.

"Ausschuss-Reduktion von 1,5% bei Produnktions-Steigerung von 15%"

Christian verantwortet eine Produktion, 1% Ausschuss kostet seine Firma ca. 150.000€. Der Mann ist sein Geld wert!

"Hab' den Luxus gehabt, mir die geilste Bude aussuchen zu können!"

Ein Erfolg aus dem direkten Coaching: Sauber die Empfehlungen umgesetzt hat in kurzer Zeit zu einer Auswahl an Jobangeboten geführt.

"wir haben vorher zu viel mi-mi-mi gemacht"

Claus berichtet an ganz oben. Im LeadershipMentoring fand er die Lösung für ein seit Monaten schwelendes Problem.

"hat mich davon abgehalten, ein paar Fehler zu machen"

Alex ist bereits sehr erfahren und führt Teams. Die Diskussionen über Ziele vs. Tätigkeiten haben ihm sehr weitergeholfen:

"die Mitarbeiter bedanken sich sehr dafür"

Die Führungswerkzeuge wirken. Thomas bringt es deutlich auf den Punkt, wie die Mitarbeiter das sehen.

"die (Mitarbeiter) machen es jetzt sogar selber"

Silvan hat des Kanban-Modul genau zur richtigen Zeit gefunden und er freut sich sehr über die Darstellung.

Das LeadershipStars Program bringt Dich in die Position des entspannten Ablieferers und damit zur bevorzugten Wahl für mehr Einfluss.

Ich habe weder Kosten noch Mühen gescheut, damit dieses einzigartige Intensivmentoring Deinen Umsetzungserfolg sicherstellt. Denn hier geht es NICHT darum, dass Du Informationen konsumierst.

Hier geht es um praktische Umsetzung bewiesener, allgemeingültiger Strategien erfolgreicher Führungskräfte und das Meistern einer der bestbezahltesten Fähigkeiten der Welt.

Die Fähigkeit, Teams auf ein Ziel ausrichten und dieses zuverlässig erreichen.

English is the Lingua Franca of international leadership, the content of this program will be in ENGLISH!

4 things you take away from this mentoring for yourself

1) Clarity on your way

There are so many options and too often people pick, what they get offered. You will know what you really want and decide based on your needs.

2) Well-functioning team

Good leaders know the mechanics of communication, appreciation, motivation of people. Great teams don’t happen, they are made.

3) Well delivering organization

Your Organization will deliver what really counts. All the clutter got eliminated, performance got improved, delivery optimized.

4) Leadership Stars Mindset

Your inner blocks are released, and you achieve your financial goals with absolute self-conviction because you are worth it.

How is the LeadershipStars Program
structured in detail?

1) Leadership Foundations

You took over your first Leadership Role or you are close to it? You want to prepare yourself for this step? First of all: Congratulations on this step! A lot of new managers mess it up terribly in the first year, be better!

Your people look at you, they expect leadership. Your job is now to make them do the right things.

Your boss watches you carefully, as he is responsible for your results. Many new leaders mess up because they don’t know the Leadership Foundations.

Leadership is a responsibility. Master it!
I will show you, how. Take advantage of my good 20 Years of experience in leadership.

This is the Leadership Foundations Curriculum:

  • Improve yourself: Leadership is a mind-game. Great leaders share a certain mindset, they have more clarity on the right things. I will give you the important things in a condensed form.
  • Improve your Employees: Gain their trust, improve their behavior using two of my most valuable courses: One on Ones and Feedback.
  • Improve your Team: The fast majority of teams out there miss the most important piece as a team: joint goals. My Teams Goals Process fills this gap and catapults your teams output. This all will be reinforced by the Employees Development Process.
  • Extend the Team: There will come the time when you need to recruit new employees. Too often this ends in a disaster because the leaders don’t know how and their HR isn’t as good and/or helpful as we want them to be.
  • Improve your Impact: Your Ideas need to be heard by your boss and the superiors. And taken over. This makes presentations-skills significant.
  • Improve your Time: Self Effectiveness is the main discipline you want to master. And it’s the name of my best-selling course and part of this program.

2) Organization Foundations

The world changes into IT, each company has to follow. You are an essential resource for your organization!

This year the whole Organization Foundations Curriculum gets re-focused, it’s Version 2.0 now:

  • Improve your Organization: There are 9 Roles which each successful leader has to cover. We will run through them and set them up over the year. It’s about realization, not only learning. This whole block got freshly renovated!
  • Improve your Processes: An incredible high number of IT-Leaders don’t have solid knowledge on some basic-Processes. Instead, they waste time to develop the wheel again, or they waste time and effort in cleaning up, what’s caused by missing processes. I will give you the basics on PRINCE2, ITIL and SCRUM.
  • Improve your Communication: The only tool leads have is their communication skills. Helping you to master them, we will do a deeper dive into certain Communication-methods and principles.
  • The Basis: There are a lot of interesting and important Ideas out there. Some have to do with yourself, like “How you are successful”, some are helpful to know, e.g. “Cynefin Framework” or “Business Model Canvas”.

3) Weekly Content

The content for both tracks, Leadership Foundations and Organization Foundations will be delivered to you as an exclusive Podcast.

It is as easy as all your other Podcasts: One year I will guide you through all the content of your Curriculum. Listen to it while you commute or do sports. Up to you. You are, in opposition to most other programs out there, not forced in front of a screen or in a room!

Consume, when it suits you best!

4) Weekly Leadership Mentoring

We will have a weekly video call, where you can share your thoughts and successes, discuss your issues or ask for help. This is an open discussion round for the community.

Those mentoring are your shortcut to immediate solutions! Don’t wait long, don’t burn more energy than needed.

I will be available myself, too, and help where I can. The call’s language is either English, if only German natives are present, or English.

5) Quarterly Live Meetings

The meetings will start with some input from me, followed by interactive parts, where you can practice. Again: The conversational language will be English, as soon as we have international participants.

The October and April Meetings will be held physically, October in Darmstadt, April in Budapest. 

January and July will be virtual Meetings.

The meetings will be recorded and can be reviewed later. The program fee includes participation of the meetings incl. the Hotels (!!), you only need to take your travel cost.

6) Stars Community

To enable interaction with the other LeadershipStars, we have an instant messaging platform running.

A participant called it “The wisdom in my pocket”, as this is your fastest way to contact the other LeadershipStars.

7) Personal Coaching

Due to the high demand, there is a tarif including direct one to one access to me. I will help you individually, in private, to approach your issues or to just get a second opinion.


Video Calls

You have the chance to attend weekly Leadership Mentoring Calls to discuss the issues that move you.

Stars Community

You can approach your fellow LeadershipStars via an instant messaging platform, exclusively for the Stars Community.


Over the year you will receive the well-developed sequence of content of the Curriculum in an exclusive LeadershipStars-only Podcast.


A permanently growing collection of important and valuable content is available, on top of the curriculum.
Obviously, the Curriculum Content is completely available there, too.


Participants of the LeadershipStars program can have direct access to me.

12 Month of input!

Begins every 3 month
(January, April, July and October)

You can use the program as much, as you like: Just consume the content as a great podcast or scan the online-library for what you need. But this leaves the main value unused: The interaction with your colleagues! The community and the MentoingCalls are real the biggest treasures of the program.

get your qualification interview

How does it work?

We run the year like a Project:

  1. Understand your current situation. What’s already working, what wants to be changed?
  2. Management Methods. Learn new tools, get experiences on them, sharpen your knifes.
  3. Develop annual Goals. This is based on the analysis and helps you to develop a powerful goals-process.
  4. Employees. Prepare how to deal with them, how to assess their performance, how to develop.
  5. Execute your changes. This is about showing performance, not only talking about it.


Depending on your needs you can decide between three versions:


for fresh leaders


if you take it serious


for leaders in IT

click here

We are very proud to have participants from:


The LeadershipStars Program is for experienced IT-leaders or young leaders.

We had and have participants from those areas:

  • Accounting
  • Engineering
  • Human Resources
  • IT-Development
  • IT-Infrastructure
  • IT-Project Management
  • Project Management
  • Production (Animal Food, Industry Sealings)
  • Teaching – School
  • Software Training
  • Sales
  • … and many more

Who is Olaf Kapinski?

I have been professional IT-Manager since 2001, before that I was leading in volunteer organizations (DLRG, Malteser) for ten years. In the beginning it was all “learning by doing it wrong”, I soon realized that leading is a learnable art.

At the latest with the start of the LEBEN-FÜHREN podcast in 2014 I switched to the trainer side, learned more and more about the methods behind it.

I like to pass on my experiences to the really good ones. To the people who want to lead in the right way. To the LeadershipStars.

“Everything is IT! Every successful company is and will be based on IT.”

And then I see how disconnected IT and business very often are. How some IT-Leaders still do what they did 10, sometimes 20 years ago. How they waste time and energy with thinking circles because they have no one to discuss the issues on eye-height.

I want to bring the IT-Leaders into the position they deserve within their company. Not a stupid cost-center anymore but the central pillar for the operations.


The procedure for participation in the
LeadershipStars Program

1. Step: Application

Click on one of the
“request ACCESS” – buttons and fill out the contact form. (Takes only 60 second.)

2. Step: Phone call

If it turns out that we can help you, and you meet the admission criteria, you will have a qualification interview.

3. Step: Breakthrough

Become part of the LeadershipStars family, achieve maximum performance with your team and increase your influence.

Secure your qualification interview now!

click here

If you'd like a peek into the LeadershipStars Meeting

Here is a short excerpt of a past, virtual StarsMeeting. The topic is

“How to get decisions  out of your boss.”

This was the last hour of a StarsMeeting, and it is in German (as only Germans attended).

57% of the participants extended their

membership for an additional year!


  • Muss ich englisch sprechen? Nein, aber lesen und hören. Die Inhalte kommen  in Englisch, die Q&A Calls werden aber auf Deutsch laufen, wenn nur Deutsche anwesend sind.
  • How much time I need to plan? As much, as you like! The minimum should be one Podcast episode per week and then adapting it in the office. Drastically useful is the Issues Call every Tuesday evening for an hour.
  • I don’t lead yet but will be taking over an IT-Team in the near future. Is the Program valuable for me? Absolute! The earlier you learn the mechanics of IT-Teams and all those tools, the earlier you will be successful.
  • What, if I can’t attend all the time and have to skip a month? No problem, you will only miss the live calls. The main content will remain available online.
  • How does it continue after the year? The basic idea is to book the Leadership Foundations in the first year and Organization Foundations in the following year. For the next year we will make you a very good offer.

Secure your qualification interview now!

click here

LeadershipStars Program

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